Refresh Introduction – Video & Transcript
Note: A few of the slides were cut off in this recording, so here they are in all their glory!
The text below is the slightly edited transcript of the video above.
Hello and welcome. I'm so, so, so excited to have you at the refresh. If you haven't already celebrated yourself being here and signing up for this course and joining and starting, I wanna really invite you to do so, whatever that means for you. Maybe that's like a dance break, maybe that's a really delicious beverage or a treat, or maybe that's a walk or a stretch or a shake, whatever that is. I just wanna invite you to celebrate for a moment because I am so excited and I really wanna make sure that we like, honor this moment and really feel it in our bodies.
Okay, that said, let's get into the refresh. Welcome. Ugh. The refresh is going to be a series of practices, meditations, and magic to support you as you refresh, moving from one cycle to another. This is the intro. In case you don't already know me, my name is Maz. I'm a coach, a facilitator, and a visual artist. My pronouns are they them, and I am so happy you are here. I love teaching this and I am so thrilled to have you along for the journey. Do have a few course guidelines. Wanna invite you to take a breath, maybe relax your shoulders or move your body a little bit. I'm gonna read each of these out loud, and I wanna invite you to just tune into your body and see how each one lands
In this space. I wanna invite us to have an open heart and an open mind, and to lean into curiosity. What I mean by that is anytime something big comes up, instead of judging, let's go to curiosity first and ask some questions, see what comes up, how we feel. The next one is, this is a space of belonging and embracing. There are no mistakes and no outsiders. We embrace our humanity here. Take a breath, see how that one lands in the body. See how that one feels. The next one, let's resource as we go. Tending to ourselves and asking for support when and if needed. Let's practice stretching while also honoring our unique capacity. What I mean by this is it doesn't really serve anyone to go from A to Z. Let's really strive to go from A to B, B to C, C to D.
This is the way that we can really build sustainable growth and also honor like who and where we are right now as we grow, as we expand. The next one is, there is no wrong way to do this. And everything is an invitation. I don't have it written here, but I wanna really invite all of us into consent. Consent with ourselves, consent with like where we're at and what we're capable of. Again, this goes back to honoring our unique capacity. So if I invite you to do something and you're a no honor that, I wanna celebrate that. No, that no is beautiful. It is like so sacred. If I invite you to do something and you're a maybe honor that, maybe, maybe move a little slower, maybe ask some questions and keep tuning in. Also know that things are gonna change as you go.
You might be a yesterday, a no tomorrow, a maybe in a week. Who knows? It's really honoring that journey for yourself. And then also questions are welcome and encouraged here. I'll get into how to ask questions at the end, but I just really want you to know that this is a space where questions are, they're honored, they're celebrated. I'm excited to be asked questions about this work. I wanna be as supportive as possible. I want you to really understand it and feel feel like you have everything you need to integrate it and put this into your daily life.
I did just wanna make a note about sharing. I want you to share what you learned here, implement it, integrate it, spread it far and wide. And that said, the course materials, specifically these videos, the meditations, the worksheets, these are made for you. Making this course was real labor. It is a job. It was a job. And so I wanna ask for you to respect that by not sharing this outside of this course, if for some reason you do decide to share, again, everything is an invitation. I can't make you do anything. I can't make you not do anything. So if you do decide to share, please credit me. Link my website or social media accounts, consider contributing via Venmo. If you'd like to support my work further, I offer one on-one coaching and I am available to teach these workshops to groups to companies, et cetera.
Also, if you have a friend or a loved one who can't quite afford this and you wanna share pieces of it just reach out to me, shoot me an email. Let's find something that works for both of us or for all of us. I'd really, really appreciate that. I tried to make this course as financially accessible as possible. And so if someone can't afford it, I'd love to be in conversation with them and find out what we can do to make, to make that possible. I'd much rather have that happen than this course get shared around and, and not be a part of that conversation about how and when that happens. So that is my request, and I really appreciate you honoring that. All right, let's refresh. This course is designed to support you as you move from cycle to cycle.
Every day, every moment is a chance to refresh, reset and refocus if you want to. If that's what your desire is, you can have that in that very moment. These lessons can be applied anytime, anywhere. Life is humans can be challenging, heartbreaking, and honestly really hard sometimes. I wanna offer you ways to resource ground and cultivate magic and connection. Amis, amidst the madness, many of us experience this course is for you. And that said, you know, more than I ever will. I'm not an expert. You're gonna know what's gonna work best for you. That's why I brought in self consent earlier. So I really want you to enjoy what resonates and just let the rest like float off. You know, no need to hold all of it. There may be one thing that you really love about this course, one practice or one worksheet that just really speaks to you.
Maybe one meditation and like amazing. That's what you came for. I'm so excited that that served you. There's no need for all of this to serve you or for you to even take all of this in. Do this course at your own pace, in your own way. Also, I just really wanna honor and acknowledge that we are living in incredible systems of oppression during a really challenging time. This work, it's not gonna fix that <laugh>. What it is gonna do is help your resource so that you feel better and so that you can better cope with our day-to-day reality. And I really hope that that is how this works for all of us. I have some blessings for the refresh. Just wanna invite all of us into another breath, maybe a stretch. I'm gonna just bless, bless all of us here through time and space. May this course help you feel centered, inspired, and as empowered as possible. May this refresh support you as you connect to yourself. May you feel no pressure to do this course in any particular way, order, or timeline. May you trust your own wisdom, timing, and genius as you move through this course and beyond. May you find these practices nourishing and accessible, knowing that they're here for you whenever you need them and come back to them again and again.
And so it shall be. And so it is. I do have some recommendations as we get ready for the refresh. Really wanna recommend Monotasking. Here's, here's an invitation for this course. As much as you can practice focusing on one thing at a time, maybe even asking yourself, what's my intention here? What's my focus here? What do I wanna put my most, most of my attention on? So often we are asked and required to multitask like all the time. I feel like the analogy I always use is there's like a million tabs or applications open in my own brain. It's really powerful magic to decide to focus on one, to focus our attention and decide, this is where my attention is going to be focused for the next one minute, 10 minutes, 20 minutes for this, this like lesson or whatever for this practice, whatever container you want that to be.
But I wanna really invite you into trying monotasking here. Maybe even making that a priority as you move through this course. Also want to invite you to build self-trust. First thought, best thoughts. So often we're questioning ourselves. We're looking at all the options. <Laugh>, maybe we're overthinking, maybe we're analyzing really deeply. This is a place where we're gonna practice curiosity over judgment. Trust that you can always change things later if needed. So if first thought, best thought, you get down the line, it turns out that thought didn't really work for you, or that that practice didn't really work, no problem. We can always go back to the drawing board. You know, ask yourself what does it feel like not to second guess or overthink? What does it feel like to trust myself enough to try something and see it through? And then if it doesn't work out, the, I thought trusting myself to go back to the drawing board and try again.
And also the invitation to take notes or write things down as we go. Feel free to pause and skip around. Use what appeals to you and leave the rest. I recommend taking notes. It could be voice notes, drawings, little notes in a margin notes on the computer, just because we're gonna go through a lot and it's gonna build on, on itself. It's gonna build throughout the course. So there may be something that I say in the first module that like, you're like, yeah, that sounds cool. And then by the time we get to the seventh module, you're like, oh my gosh, that thing that we talked about in the first module, hear it. It's coming back and I'm ready to build on it. So if it feels good to take notes, if that's one of the ways that you learn, I wanna really recommend that you do that in whatever way feels best for you.
So the module makeup. There are seven teaching modules in this course. Each teaching module is going to have a recorded video like this one. In those, there's gonna be a recorded video with me talking about lessons and activities. There will be a, a slideshow that I'm very proud of and excited to share with you. And I'll also include the audio file for every lesson in, in case you're an auditory learner and you don't really wanna see the slideshow, you don't really worry about that, you just wanna hear me talking. That's gonna be an option for you as well. There's also transcripts for all of the recorded videos. So those are right here. You can read them. Feel free to take this information in, in the way that works best for you. All. Seven of the modules for the teaching modules as well as the opening and closing module will also include guided visualization.
It's going to be uniquely focused for whatever we're talking about in that module. And then there will also be worksheets. So worksheets are a place where I just have some questions written down, some things that we've discussed. Maybe that's where you'll find any practice that you wanted to try out in the slideshow. So I've got everything written for you there just as an easy and quick way to find it. So let's talk about the module map. There is right after this, there is an opening. It is the guided visualization that will open, open us up, set the scene, get us ready. It's going to set the space for us to play in and refresh and celebrate and renew. And then we're gonna move into reflections. Reflections are our way to honor and wrap up past cycles. I think it's a really important way to honor the end as we honor the beginning.
Next up, we'll move to intentions, which is how we're gonna consciously step into the future. And we're gonna talk about authenticity and how to show up authentically with grounded pride. I think of pride as a tree with like really deep powerful roots that really hold it in place and like allow it to really like grow up and out and expand widely with this beautiful anchor. So we're gonna talk about that. Then we're gonna discuss values, how to locate and utilize what's most important to you and really honor your values as your guidance, like you're a north star. Whenever I'm struggling with making a decision, whenever I go back to my values, the decisions seem a lot more clear. It seems a little easier once I start to realize like, okay, well this is what I say is important to me and these are my options.
So how do they line up? How, how do they overlay? Then we're gonna talk about boundaries. Specifically we're gonna talk about embodied boundaries and how they help us cultivate security and agency as well as authenticity. Then we're gonna talk about goal setting. We're going to work on setting intuitive goals and really bringing in our values and our boundaries as we decide what goals we wanna focus on and how we wanna do that. Next up, we're gonna talk about putting it all together. These are gonna be practical ways to integrate and implement. We're gonna talk about celebration and alter building and mood boards. This is gonna be a place where you're gonna find a lot of activities and practices to put into practice and to integrate the other six lessons that we've talked about. And then last but not least, we're going to do a closing meditation.
To celebrate the completion of the refresh, you tips for setting ourselves up for success. I really wanna invite you to create and set the space whatever that means for you. Maybe that's setting a digital space, a physical space, emotional, mental or just putting it in your calendar. This is gonna really help you prioritize and focus and even enjoy it more. I find for myself, when I clear the space and I dedicate the time and the energy and the physical space that I need for something, it like really allows me to like unfold, to unfurl, to like really relax into that task and actually enjoy it that much more. I also wanna invite you to set intentions for this refresh. We're going to go way deeper into intentions in the intention module, but before we do, I want to see what your intentions are for this course.
What brought you here and what do you want to get out of it? What is your desired outcome for this course? And when you think of that, how does that inspire you to show up? And what do you need to show up <laugh> on the next? The next one, ask that question. Like, it's so important to be honest with yourself and ask yourself what helps you be accountable? So if your desired outcome is, you know, to finish the course in one month and to have it like more integrated into your life by month two, or maybe your desired outcome is more specific about than that, you wanna like really focus on this new cycle. How can you be accountable to honoring that desired outcome? What motivates you? What gets in the way? That's such an important question. Whenever I ask myself that and I'm really honest, that's actually when I myself set myself up for the most support.
It's amazing. Do you have any patterns that might keep you from enjoying this course? Are there any stressors? Are there any moments of perfectionism that might come in and like just get in the way of you really enjoying and savoring this course? And when that does happen, how can you resource in those moments? How can you bring back to mind your intentions and your desired outcome? And how can you ground back into pleasure and enjoyment of this, of this work? All questions consider and they're all on the worksheet. We're gonna do a really quick thought experiment really quick. This is also on the worksheet. If you wanna close your eyes or take a breath as we sort of move into this, I wanna invite you to do so.
Pretend just for a moment that we have a magic wand and anything you need to thrive in this course, you can have with ease, with delight. It just appears in front of you. What did you wish for and why? Is there any way that you can offer yourself even a small piece of that? Would it feel good to send a simple, kind intention calling more of that into your life? Is it possible to cultivate more self-compassion as you do this? Just wanted to invite you to take another moment and tune into those questions. And I have some examples for you. One example is, if I am wishing for more time and spaciousness here, is there any way that I can offer that to myself? Maybe that's setting a little time in my calendar. Maybe that's saying, you know what, for the next week I'm gonna, I'm gonna skip Instagram for three days and instead I'm gonna work on this course.
Can I set the intention to create and enjoy spaciousness in this course? Can I gift myself like a whole 90 minute session to do this course one day and really enjoy that 90 minutes or maybe just five minutes? Is it possible to offer myself love and grace as I try to find the time or feel stressed around finding the time? So inevitably I may mess up. I may come into this course and feel pressured or stressed or that perfectionism may come up. And as it does, can I offer myself that self-compassion? Can I get curious and loving?
Another example is, let's imagine that I want the magic wand to take away my perfectionism. Suddenly I feel freer and more available to experiment. What an amazing thing to feel into notice moving forward. How can I allow myself some more freedom to play and experiment without being attached to outcome? How can I soothe the parts of myself that demand mastery and excellence? Can I encourage the parts of me that are curious and playful? What intention can I set to support me in this? And how can I allow myself room to mess up and take baby steps towards greater liberation? One thing that always helps me feel more playful is honestly doing face paint <laugh> or drawing a little bit before I do something. And just like letting that like inner inner child, inner creative one out and honoring its expression. And so I'm curious if, if your intention is to be less perfectionistic in this space, how can you get into more of a playful mode before you start this course? Or how can you open the space or set that intention for playfulness? How can you invite it in?
And ultimately, this is your experience. I cannot say this enough. So I wanted it to be a whole slide to get your attention. This is for you and I want you to thrive in it. This is your course, this is your journey and I just wanna support you and celebrate you throughout. A few more questions for reflection here. What permissions do you need right now? What would help you thrive and flourish in this course? Again, is there anything you can invite in, clear out or set up that would serve you as you embark on this refresh?
And I really mean it when I say I want you to feel so supportive, so supported. So I've added some live bonus calls. There's going to be live q and as. This is gonna be in the bonus section. You can find the zoom link and the signup in case you wanted to get reminders. I recommend signing up just so that you can get those email reminders with the Zoom link like an hour before and a day before. So then you're like, you're very you're very prepped and aware, you won't forget. So I've got live q and a coming up. I'm also gonna be offering bonus workshops and I'm so excited to share those with y'all. <Laugh>, it's just another way to integrate this material to come together. It's gonna be beautiful. So again, that information's gonna be in the bonus section. I also have a Google form linked for any questions that come up.
So for instance, the magic wand experience that we are just doing for two minutes. If there's a question about that, let me know in the Google form or come to a live q and a. I really want you to feel supported and like any question you have, you can access some, some answers and some help with those. I'm also offering you a bonus workbook. I'm so, so, so excited about it. It's coming with a notion template that's fillable. I love a notion template way more than a P D F. So the workbook is going to be offered as a P D F in case you wanted it as a p d. You can print it out, you can write on it you know, pen in hand if you want to, or it's, or, and there's the notion option. So I love notion. It's really flexible, it's really beautiful.
It's a free application if you don't already have it. I love it. I recommend it. And it's great because you can just fill it out, you can type it on your computer. It will all be there. It's much more seamless and I find it more aesthetically pleasing than a fillable P D F, the workbook. The workbook is simply all the worksheets put together with a little more information about the practices and things like that. So I just wanted to have you have one place that you could, if you wanted to get all the worksheets. And the workbook in and of itself is really valuable and really beautiful and really powerful. So, you know, you can do the workbook without the videos. You can do the, with the videos, whatever works for you. And then also there's one-on-one support sessions available. I have special price that I'm offering anyone who took the refresh for a one-on-one session to work on this together.
If you need some personalized support, that is really powerful and I can help hold you accountable, offer information, offer extra practices, you know, ask you questions personally, really make it that, that like very special one-on-one container. Let me know if that's something you're interested in when you bought the refresh that was offered to you. If you didn't engage with it at that time, but you still want it or you want it later on, just let me know and we can definitely set that up. All right, let's dive in and refresh. If you're going in order, I will see you in the opening meditation and if you're not, I'll see you somewhere else. Thank you so much.
Transcript by